Sunday, September 27, 2020

Twisted Libertarian Ideas Inspired by Dumb Politicians

Today I am thankful that I'm a Libertarian asshole who plays a heck of a lot of musical instruments. 

Apparently, the cops in Idaho have arrested three people for SINGING WITHOUT A MASK!

I'm not joking. 

You know what that makes me want to do? 

I'll give you three guesses and the first two don't count.  

It's a shame that I irritated my singing teacher.  She used to comment that I had a heck of a range but I was far too comfortable in the lower ranges due to all that bass playing. 

She was a famous Christian singer.   

There is no way I could sing like her. 

I've been practicing. 

I still suck. 


I've toyed with the idea of starting a cover band. 

My thought is that I would call it "Liberty" 

I know a heck of a lot of bass players.  All the drummers and guitarists I know play with other bands. 

I don't know anyone who likes to sing that isn't successful in their own band. 

I could play the brass instruments, bass, recording and mastering.  I'm better with lyrics than composition but, it's a cover band.  I just need to get permissions. 

My first choice of songs would be the song posted above. 

Then, a little something from the Beastie Boys. 

Maybe some Michael J. 


(parts of this one sound like the intro to the old Dr. Who - lol) 

Some classics: 

Personally, I like to try to sing Jazz and R&B. 

(Yes, I know Springsteen wrote ' Born in the USA' but I'm partial to this version.) 

Police and Thieves by Junior Murvin 

(Big Brother by Stevie Wonder) 

(Act of God by Prince) 

Should through some good ol' boy music in there, too. 

Truth be told, I probably couldn't pull this together. 

If they start arresting peeps for singing without masks in Colorado, you'll probably see a 5' 5" redheaded lady with green eyes and a smirk wrinkle wearing a black druid cloak in high heel thigh high boots singing Latin curses on the south-east corner of Lincoln and Colfax. 

It'll be my worship.    

I'm sure Denver would sell me a performance permit - lol! 

If the Denver Cops arrest me, I'll have a field day.  

I could possibly sue to religious discrimination in addition to having my Constitutional Rights violated.
They can't legally enforce a decree of our governor.  If they try, I'll get a settlement for the homeless they chased away from the park across the street. 

I know more lawyers than musicians. 

Sadly, unless I get more practice, my singing ought to be a crime - lol! 

I'm warning ya, I'll do it! 

Do the punks in office feel lucky? 

(Yes, I've taken to calling many of the Democrats punks because that's what they've become this year...uneducated punks selling fear to try to thwart an election.  I say that even though I really don't like Republicans either.) 

Love ya lots, 

Bitchy S.  

Fa - la-la-la-la-la (screech) la-la-la (oooh, where did that sound come from?  My poor neighbors - lol.) 

I didn't know I could do two-part harmony at the same time!!

Wow, we learn something about ourselves every day. 

((( hugs ))) 

It Happened Again

  Today I am thankful for chatty and helpful colleagues.  My daughters are home from college for summer break, and as usual, their father to...