Today I am thankful for Dream Water. Damn it!!! This morning I dreamt of a certain man being chased and devoured by a big, scary male lion. I'm not sure if I were screaming or crying because there was no one in the house to tell me. That's enough. This is getting irritating. I just bought 10 packets of Dream Water. Prazosin helps with nightmares. If the Dream Water doesn't work, I'll visit a my doctor. This could be due to my bizarre sleep schedule, too. I don't know. :: All I know is that for the past 33 years, I've been self-conscious about the dreams and afraid of screaming out a certain name at night. If nothing helps, I'm going to just exclusively date guys with that name. That way, at least someone can feel like a rock star because I scream that name out all the darn time. Fortunately, for me, it's a very common name. Love ya, S. Edit: October 1 - 1:...