Tuesday, December 20, 2016


Today I am thankful for exhaustion: Perhaps I'll get more than four hours of sleep tonight.

It's been a crazy couple of days.

I had several recording products to finish for clients.  I had forgotten that the computer in my studio was smashed.  So, I had to scramble to get the software on my new computer.

Much of my software doesn't work well with the newer computers.

I need to buy a used older model.


They say the Gods (or the God and/or the Universe) sends you people you need.

Yesterday I spent two hours consoling a woman from Broomfield who was raked over the coals in divorce court by her abusive ex.  Her story sounds a lot like mine.

I'm not the only one.

I'm realizing that this is a systemic problem.  Now, I'm pondering how to broach this topic without embarrassing the judges behaving this way.

I did not tell her what was going on with me.  I taught her a couple of NLP stress management tips and sent her on her way.

It was the least I could do.


Last night, I became frustrated when I realized my recordings were not going to be finished in a timely manner.

I mentioned how upset I was that things around the house get broken. I told Michael that I need to understand what is going on for my mental health.  On some level, I believe that if I know what other people want, I can make it a win-win situation.

I asked what he was planning on doing.  He became upset, stomped off and told me he'd move out on Tuesday.

It's 10:00 p.m. on Tuesday.  He's still here.

I don't understand what is going on. 

It makes me sad.

There are a lot of other things going on but I'm too exhausted

I don't know what to share except that some things don't change and the civil judicial system doesn't understand domestic violence and control.

I wish I could change this. 

Love ya,


Edit: It's Wednesday night and he's still here. 

I wonder why? 

Dear Mr. Trump: Winners Don't Compromise their Principles

 Post forthcoming:  I left the Libertarian party after the Trumpettes took over due to fear of a strong Libertarian candidate.  It's goo...