Today I am thankful for the curious song stuck on repeat in my car.
Yes, I haven't quite figured out how to use the radio in my brand new crappy car. I shoved a Rihanna CD on it. it's stuck on this song.
It plays over and over and over.
The old men stare and stare and stare.
The song is stuck in my head and plays and plays and plays
over and over in my head
in the grocery store,
in political meetings,
when I sleep by myself and start to cry,
when I am with Steve and remember that he's not fond of fellatio.
Then I realize....
it's not going to work.
I'm a little sad.
I need someone to let me be the leopard I truly am.
Perhaps it's not a bad thing to be alone right now.
If I can't bring myself to the point of being a raging's not worth it.
I'm sad. I'm off to cry in my bed alone.
May Isis bring him what he needs.
I don't know....
Maybe I just need my bass.
Love ya,