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Busy Days and Creepy Dreams

Today I am thankful for good luck.

I missed a deadly crash by about fifteen minutes.

I did my Goodwill crap hunting thing.  Every Sunday, I drive to a Goodwill store that I had never been to before to look for dresses.

You'd be proud of me.  I didn't buy anything!  I have lots of donations to give them though. 

I drove to one all the way in the outskirts of Arvada and one in a town called Golden.

I got lost and wound up around Morrison.

I barely missed this.....

I have a strange compulsion.

When I'm stuck in a traffic jam, I pray to Mercury. 

Two people died. 

Perhaps I should have prayed to Asclepius.

There are five other injuries. 

It's Sunday. 

I guess it's not too late to pray. 


Yesterday, I look a neighbor kiddo to a fair.  I was supposed to go to lunch with my former co-workers.  One of whom is someone that I have feelings for.....deep feelings.....complete with filthy dreams.  We would spend hours upon hours talking about music theory.  He was my favorite DJ. He said he admired how I fought the local government.

But alas, it's not meant to be.  He is a devout Christian.  I will NOT forsake my career or my Gods for him. 

I think that is the subconscious reason I wrote the wrong day on my calendar.  I thought the luncheon was today.  When I woke up, I found out that my friend left a message stating that he missed seeing me yesterday. 

That's embarrassing. 

I'm not going to anymore lunches until I get my head screwed on straight!

I do not regret taking the neighbor kid to the fair.....not one bit.  She's having trouble at home.  I think she needed the outing with my kiddos. 

She taught me how to use my phone!

It's awesome.  I took a ton of photos.  I didn't how to do that two days ago!

Now I just have to take her out for lunch so she can teach me how to upload them to the internet.

Just teasing.....

We have the same phone.  So she taught me how to use the GPS function on my new LG.

That's how I managed to escape the traffic jam.  

Siri told me where to go. 

Kids are great.

She considers herself to be a boy with a boy's name.  I have to get used to calling her Tyler and "him."

She said it was okay for me to identify as a girl with a boy's name.   That's not quite my situation, I identify as an old woman with a name that means "girl." 

Talk about a confusing identity!!!

I have to say.... teenagers are awesome! 

She also is one heck of a good shot.  We shot rifles.  She's moving in if there is ever a zombie apocalypse. 

Yes, we framed what was left of her paper targets.

This kid has mad skills!

I love it!


Now that I have Siri, we took a little road trip to a meditation spot in Salida, Colorado.

The teenagers loved it.

They liked the labyrinth, the sacred geometry and the statue of the Black Madonna (Isis).

They took the pride parade decorations out of my car and left them as offerings.

They've asked me to come back with a stack of new age books and glass angels that I need to get out of my office. 

We'll probably go back next week. 

I never thought they'd like meditating so much. 

Teenagers can be very surprising.

As far as strange dreams, I listened to that 8 hour love hypnosis session again.

I slept well....again.

This time, the dreams moved on to ex number two. 

Ex number two's name was Ross.

Ross was a rancher from Washington State.  He had an older woman.  His mother did not approve.  His mom met me at the door with a wedding dress.

I thought she was joking.  She wasn't. 

They had to pull me from the bathroom to meet the minister.  I had so many excuses.  I ran out of them when I learned they flew my grandfather out for an impromptu wedding. 

I thought about an annulment.

I didn't. 

After the wedding, Ross started to beat the crud out of me and put me in the hospital a few times. I can't complain about the crooked fingers, toes and spine.  My nose looks better since he broke it.

I think he beat me up that so he could be with his mistress.  In fact, the last day I spent in our home, he literally hunted down a man I refused to sleep with before I met him and both of them met me in my living room.  They took turns beating me up while claiming that it was normal to sleep with lots of people.  I was informed that people who refuse to sleep around use "sex as a weapon."  

I remember that guy.  He was married.  I left the date prematurely because he had a tan with a white sliver on the middle finger of his left hand.  My boss was Muslim.  I made an excuse about having to work.  He let me come to work so I wouldn't be in a comprising situation with a married man. 

I miss that boss. 

It was the darndest thing.  An old friend from high school, named Daniel, called me out of the blue right after the beating.  He came over and took me to talk to his mother.  They talked me into leaving. 

I planned my escape and never looked back. 

That must've been psychic intervention. 

I owe Daniel big time.  We still talk from time to time.  He's one of those perfect men who have so much in common with me.....including who we would like as dating partners. 

The divorce took more than four years.  The marriage didn't last a year. 

Years later, I learned that Ross married his mistress.  She called me about eight years after the divorce asking what she needed to do to keep him from putting her in the hospital.

I told her to call a domestic violence hotline.  I couldn't help her.  She went to court to claim that my ex was not abusive in anyway and that I was a monster.  I felt sad for her.  He tricked her.   Okay, I still feel sad for her. 

His daughter says that he has a mistress and a best friend that he sees on the side.  Her mom doesn't believe in divorce so she'll stick it out. 

That's what I dreamt about.  I dreamt about visiting his wife.  Ross was there.  His mistress was there.  His half-naked best friend was there.  All the women looked somewhat alike. 

It was like sitting in the beginning of a porno flick with ugly elderly people.

Thankfully, my dream self made an excuse to leave the party before all of the clothes started flinging.

The dream would have been perfect if I had my bass with me.  This guy was always jealous of my basses.  He wound up trashing them in fits of rage. 

[The sounds of 70's era basslines are filling my head.]

Ross is the one that tried to pull me into his cars years after our divorce was final.  He told me that he always thought I'd make a better mistress than a wife.

His behavior was disgusting. I managed to hide from him for many years after changing my name.  He found me in 1998.  I blame the internet. 

I NEVER want to see that guy again......ever. 

I'll listen to the darn hypnosis recording one more time.  Let's see where the dreams take me. 

I'm sure there is a lesson here for me.  I have no clue what it is. 

Maybe I'm healing all the damage from a-holish men who weren't honest about what they wanted.

I'll tell you if I figure out what the message is. 

Part of me wishes that ol' Ross gets arthritis is his hands so that his beautiful bride gets a reprieve.  Maybe I'll post a wishing spell tomorrow and we'll see if it comes to pass. 

I may never know.  That would be worth the spent candles. 

Love ya lots,


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