Today I am thankful for a fun dream.
Right before waking up, I had a dream of a very old friend kissing a beautiful blond before jumping out of an airplane with her.
That was nice.
For once, I had a dream of an old friend that wasn't a nightmare.
That was appreciated.
I think I had that dream because today is his birthday.
What a nice start to the day.
My day didn't stay nice.
My new employer wanted copies of all of my tax records for the past ten years. They asked that I order my wage and income statements directly from the IRS.
I received them today.
I can see when my ex raided part of the 401Ks. Some of it wasn't accounted for, so I don't know what to think about that.
Sadly, my new employer is going to think that I can't manage money.
Don't stay married to financial idiots, the fallout can last for years.
I just got news that the auntie who raised me after my mother died has a terminal illness. I don't know if I can talk or write about it right now, my feelings are still raw.
She seems to be in shock.
The job that I was offered is at her doctor's office, so maybe I can be there for her on some level.
I'll bug her more often to offer help.
She is only twenty years older than I.
This is breaking my heart.
This will be the last Thanksgiving. I won't be able to spend the day with her.
Hopefully we can make Christmas extra special for her.
Love ya lots,