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Art Therapy

Movies are a good barometer of cultural opinion.  The line that signifies the distrust many people feel towards law enforcement is "If I lie, you lie....we're cops.  We stick together....we have honor."  
This is playing out in Colorado right now (as I'm sure it plays out across the nation).  


Today I am thankful for art therapy. 

Now, I just need to find a priest to talk to.

Some idiotic public servants curse women by calling them Bitches.

Some witches curse idiotic public servants in different ways.

I hate profanity.

There are more effective ways of scaring someone.


I don't buy in to that whole Romans chapter in the Bible being the word of God.  I always thought that government officials threatened religious leaders into putting that in the Bible to control the herd.

I betcha it was the Romans.

Hence the name of the chapter.

Yeah....I don't tend to bend and sway to the desires of government.

I trust my Gods more than I trust man.

Today I find myself upset. a form of stress relief:

I'm debating using this.....

The cop is seems the most fitting. 

and this....

to curse an undersheriff in Colorado who beat up a friend of mine for having a cell phone on public property.....  That's her story.  His story is that she didn't move over when he wanted to help another family standing behind her

So he left her black and blue (this is absolutely serious...the cursing thing is a play on words...but the story about the cop was in the paper).

The DA had the audacity to cook up four charges against her after she rightfully complained about the physical assault.

The charges against her will be dropped. They have to be.

Still....the cop's behavior is putting taxpayer dollars at risk.

He or his boss are probably trying to intimidate her into dropping the complaint.

Part of me wonders if the cop is a domestic abuser.

The bruises are insane.

There is absolutely no call for that.

Some police officers believe they are above the law.  Corrupt officers create problems for peace officers who actually do their jobs without the steroid induced rage.

I can't stand officials who violate the laws they have sworn to uphold.  I certainly cannot stand public servants who make a mockery of our justice system.

I'm angry.

You know....usually, when I'm angrier than Hades, I just light white candles and pray that the jerk finds a job that suits his lack of intelligence and inability to control himself better.

That tends to help alleviate my stress.

I've seen that prayer manifest time and time again.

This guy lost my positive prayers when the threats his buddies made against my friend hit my Facebook feed.

Of course, the word Bitch rhymes with witch - which reminds me that I've got a reputation to uphold.

My idea of cursing is a heck of a lot different than most cops.


Today, after seeing my friend's bruises....

I feel triggered.

I feel angry.

I wonder how many women endure that crap?

I doubt he beats up men.

One of his cop buddies wrote a comment akin to "shut up, woman."

Sexist much?


These are the actions of a coward.

You know what?

My inner demons have felt a little bit lonely


I made them a dolly....

It doesn't look anything like the one in the picture.

I'm thinking about drilling a hole in a silver dollar to use as a belt.  According to lore, it will cause the department's funding to sieve away like water.

Yeah.....I love cultural mythology.


I may be messing with you

or I may be delusional

but if a country bumpkin sheriff's department has a sudden departure of an under sheriff

you can consider blaming this crazy lady's collection of pin cushions

or not.


To tell the truth.....

Doll making is a way to relieve stress by reminding myself how to sew.  It's a family occupation.

My mom died over thirty years ago.  When my sister and I take her dolls to the businesses who repair them, they immediately know my mother's work.

It breaks my heart when they ask me how she is doing.

And yes.....

I play up the belief that I am a witch.

Some people think it's scary.

The scary stuff is the other more civically minded activities that people like myself are prone to doing.

You know, the stuff that makes me a bitch.

I wish this guy a heck of a lot of luck.

The last time a woman was brought up on fake charges to shut her up -

I ran for the highest office in the jurisdiction.  Luckily, I ran against a man who gave a shit.

That put a stop to the bullshit.

This department ought to pray I don't do anything more serious than mock my own religion.

In thinking about it,

this may actually be fodder for the battered women activists.

Perhaps I can put a little birdie in their ears.

Play fair -

Women are watching.

We tend to be an obnoxious bunch once we get riled up.

Doubt me?

If you're married to a woman, ask yourself - how often do you win fights with your wife?  

Love ya,


Edit sometime later: I had a teeny tiny meditation:

A serious, yet powerful, activity could be to simply find a way to immortalize the bad cops.  Maybe I should paint a scene from the video of him pummeling my friend and name it after the cop.  Everyone deserves to be famous.

Maybe this guy needs his 15 minutes.

I used to be a portrait artist.  I haven't done a portrait since 2006 so the first one ought to be as ugly as the situation!

It's not slander if it's true.

I could even ask permission to embed some of the nasty comments my friend had been receiving from the department into the painting.

Or I can just start copying the threatening comments from the Sheriff Department's page.  Perhaps I should use anagrams of the posters true names in the portraits.

I'd have fun with that.

Making him known for being a dolt who can't control his tempter would ruin his job and future prospects; political or not.

That would be worse than threatening to curse cops who like to curse at people.

Can't someone enroll them into a vocabulary course?


I've never read or heard such profanity in my life!

I had four kids!!!

I lived with street kids!!


One cannot arrest me for oil pastels.  If the department sued me to change the title of a portrait, I'd go after them for the incredible waste of tax dollars.

I'd have a heck of a lot of fun with that.  

I could call the project

the Bad Baton Collection


the Corrupt Cop Collection


Maybe Phuck'd Up Popo….


The Blue Wall of Shame

I'm boring so I'd probably call it -

Constitutional Violation # 4 (or whatever number best reflects the article being infringed upon): Cop's Rank and full name.

It would be a rather big collection.  I would have no end of inspiration so long as we give military grade toys to our police departments!

I saw crap yesterday in Aurora that would blow your mind.  Ugh.... At least the Aurora PD didn't beat anyone up.  They just detained all of the black men walking down the street.

I mean ALL of the black men! 

I was in old Aurora - we have a large population of minorities in this area!


I'm just an old white Irish witch bitch.

The worst I get is pulled over for driving like an old lady - going the speed limit on a Friday night.  They usually ask if I feel okay.  They're usually the same age as my kids and I act all mommy-ish on them.

I probably offend the lot of them.

As a translucent white woman, I don't know what it would feel like being afraid to walk down the street for fear of being detained.  Do people of color have to allot extra time for transportation just in case a cop gets a burr up his britches?


I know women have to worry about rape and beatings.  Those who report it have to worry about corrupt cops attacking them and threatening rape and beatings.

It happened to me in 1987.  That is why I am triggered.

Perhaps my second painting will be of Denver's infamous Sergeants James and Miller.   No one bothered to take my report.

That's okay.  They were demoted into bicycle cops.

The Gods listened to my prayers.

Nah, I think the second painting should be an image from the video of the Jefferson County Sherriff refusing to move his car from a handicap parking spot at the court house.  If I can zoom in on his name tag, I'll give his portrait a name.

Yeah....his boss only called me two weeks after I let them know about the video.  That was the day after I contacted a disability coalition that is suing them and cc'd them in the message.

I don't think they would have called me before I did that.

I didn't bother calling them back because they obviously don't care.  What are they going to do?  I'll tell you what they're going to do - they are going to continue to ignore me until I raise the stakes enough that they have to pay attention.

It would seem that people are okay with cops hogging all the disability parking at the court house.

That's sad.

If I don't have a voice the traditional way - perhaps I can use art.


Let me Meditate to Dionysus.

Maybe this is what I was born to do.

I'll call my hobby Bitch Painting!

I could do that.


I'll meditate to Fama on Thursday - perhaps she can give these guys her blessing.

Don't mess with women.

Don't upset libertarians by making up reasons to waste taxpayer dollars.

Certainly.....never.....upset an artist!

Let me stock up on supplies.

I wonder if I could sell the paintings?

I'm very good at internet marketing.  These guys will be all over the net!

I'll start talking to the gallery owners I know.

I'll let ya know!

I do like making dolls and pincushions, too.

Maybe I should do something a tad bit more real.


My other love is psycho-social research.  I am tempted to share some research for the head of the department correlating cursing (profanity), threatening to beat up women and other unprofessional behavior with high payouts with regard to lawsuits against police departments.

If this guy doesn't know that yet, he shouldn't have the job.


P.S.S.  Here's a gift to one Crone from another.

The case law here is pretty clear.  Don't let an officer beat up someone with a camera in a door way.  This is probably going to end a career (maybe two given the nutty charges the DA came up with).

I don't have to curse anyone.  The idiots have brought it on themselves.  Besides, if I had super magickal mojo, I wouldn't drive a 'car that is three decades old. 


You're welcome.

P.S.S: This is how the Westboro Baptist Church makes money.  They say a bunch of offensive stuff and cops arrest them.  Don't fall for the crap.

Don't beat up people either.  That is how you offend regular people like me.

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