Today I am thankful for superstition.
A couple of weeks ago, I went to a street on Broadway that I used to frequent when I was a child.
The thrift shop I used to visit is still there. In fact, the Saturday volunteer remembers me from long, long ago. One of my activist buddies runs the prepper store next door. Down the street is a Native American bead shop that used to buy cow hides from the saddlery in which I worked as a salesperson back in the early 90's.
I used to go to this town every Saturday until I got a job as a salesperson. I found that I made more money on Saturday than any other day of the week.
I chose to work on the weekends.
I decided that I needed more tea. I like the teas and herbs at the bead shop, so I made the trip. My step-father was Cherokee. In my adult life, I find myself taking on some of the Pagan traditions.
I bought bilberry, oris root, sage, sweetgrass, linden flowers and several other herbs.
I started to walk towards the Thrift shop so I could say hello to the clerk.
As I walked down the street, I noticed the ritual candles that I use in my Pagan rituals in a display in the window of a Catholic book store.
At the Pagan store, these candles are $12.
They are $2.95 at the Catholic store. I stopped in and stocked up.
The clerk must've thought I was crazy.
While I was there, I saw this ritual.
I decided to try it.
I'll copy and paste it below.
Yes, I felt a little silly but thought maybe it could put me into a more positive mindset.
Rituals are helpful for me in that they distract me from the things that make me bitch and moan.
If I'm thinking of divine love and mercy, I'm not wanting to strangle people.
This is a ritual for three wishes.
I guess I can write what my wishes are and whether or not they came true.
One did already. I'll put a star next to it.
I don't know if these things work because of divine intervention, or belief or the law of attraction.
Maybe we delude ourselves into believing that our wishes come true so that we can rationalize the use of our time and energy.
I guess it doesn't matter.
I was super happy that I didn't complain too much during the entire time the candles burned.
Here is the ritual. I couldn't remember everything I read, so I Googled it and copied this from a website.
Light 3 white candles on a white plate and put sugar all around it. Set a glass of fresh water next to the plate. Put it in the highest place in your house (top of refrigerator, attic, etc).
Ask the archangels for 3 wishes: one for business, one for impossible and one for love.
Do this petition for three days. On the third day publish this prayer. Results should manifest by the fourth day.
St. Michael, St. Gabriel, and St. Raphael, please be with me today. Please hear and answer my prayers with your divine grace, intervention, and kindness, I love you all, please help me so that my prayer requests all come true quickly, Amen.
[mention your request here]
Heavenly Father, you have given us archangels to assist us
during our pilgrimage on earth. Saint Michael is our
protector, I ask him to come to my aid, fight for all my
loved ones, and protect us from danger. Saint Gabriel is a
messenger for the Good News, I ask him to help me clearly
hear your voice and to teach me the truth. Saint Raphael
is the healing angel, I ask him to take my need for
healing and that of everyone I know, lift it up to your
throne of grace and deliver back to us the gift of
recovery. Help us O Lord to realize more fully the reality
of the archangels and their desire to serve us. Holy
Angels pray for us. Amen
These were the wishes
1.) A job where I make enough money I won't even care about child support.
I'm still looking as of today. I applied for a job in Arvada that pays more than I've ever made in my life to do the exact same work I did at my previous job. Wish me luck.
* 2.) True love.
This came true. I think my true love is a kitten who wondered on to my doorstep and refuses to leave my side. She's worth the allergy meds. I've posted her picture to numerous websites. No one has claimed her yet. The vet doesn't think she's a year old.
My Facebook friends suggested that we name her Cleopatra.
I'll have to post a picture of Cleo someday (after I'm sure she doesn't belong to anyone else). In the meantime, this is a pic stolen off of Pinterest.

3.) Find something that I'm meant to do to help the community.
There's too much to do. I'll know it when I find it. I figured if I'm going to reach out to angels, I probably should try to be kind to others on some level.
There you go. This is what I've been doing the past three days. My house smells like a candle shop.
I think the cat likes the perfumed candles.
I don't think a male will want to visit this perfumed house any time soon. The entire house smells like burned vanilla sugar cookies put on wax paper while they were still cooking.
No matter what the rituals of your life are, may all your wishes come true.