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UPDATED- Left Ear Burning: Someone is Pissed

Today I am thankful that my left ear is burning.

It could mean I have high blood pressure.

I'm pretty sure it means that I've been heard.

The bitch is back. 

She's going to save other bitches.

This bitch is said to be a witch.

Dogs are sacred to Hekate and Artemis.

Maybe I need to play up the witchy thing now. 

Here's a little bit of history: When Pagans would leave food at the crossroads as an offering to Hekate, the food was typically eaten by dogs.  Christians would scoff.  Pagans believed that Hekate was feeding the animals who were sacred to her. 

Don't harm dogs.  Don't kill dogs or else you'll anger the Queen of the Witches. 

How many Pagans are in the Denver Metro Area?  How many of them are offended at the behavior of local governments?


My local government is killing dogs left and right.

The City of Aurora has been doing this for years.  When I was politically active, it was common for children to approach me, with tears in their eyes, telling me the city killed their beloved pets.  The worst one was a twelve year old girl whose bulldog was mistaken for a pit bull. 

I'll never forget that child.

I should have done a ritual.  They think I'm a witch, what do bitchy witchies do?

Colorado law forbids dog breed ban legislation.  Aurora, though, believes that as a home rule city, they can flout the law.

It doesn't work that way.

Municipalities have to honor the basic rights given to people by the Federal government and by the state government.  They can expand these rights if they wish to do so -BUT- THEY CANNOT TAKE AWAY FROM THESE RIGHTS!

In other words, Aurora's laws have to be equal or better to state and Federal law. Their attorneys ignore this.

I've reached out to State Senators.  I'm pulling out all of the information I've collected on this issue for over a decade.

Yeah, the city I used to give hell is now killing dogs to make a quick buck.

It's gross.

My guess is that employees have to say a shepherd is a wolf or else they risk those stupid illegal fines....

just like my ex did when he didn't want to illegally harass bar owners into producing their books during happy hours for an audit.....

just like the financial director who took a day off to care for his sick daughter.....

just like the employee who was asked what he would say if someone at church asked him if he'd vote for a city tax hike....the employee said "he'd vote for it."  His boss fined him $300 (more than half of his weekly salary putting him below minimum wage).  The civil service commission tried to ban me from his hearing but I was running for office at the time....they could have banned me....but I would have called my friends at the local paper....

Like I's gross.

I've tried to advocate for pets at the Animal Shelter before.

One of their employees tried threatening me.  That was cute.  I'm a hypnotist. 

It doesn't work.

They took it out on the dog.  I went back and saw blood all over the wall.

I want that shelter shut down!

We can always use county services.  I know the mayor wants Aurora to be a county.  That will NEVER happen because the city is not trusted.  The powers that be are too inept.

Why isn't Aurora trusted?

Google the stories of the pets that are killed each year because some stupid employee claims it is a banned breed.

My guess is that the employees have to sign off on those false claims or risk being illegally fined hundreds of dollars. 


I don't go on Facebook often.  I had 120 colleagues lose their jobs, so I check Facebook everyday to offer my support.

That's where I find the stories of the dogs that Aurora shelter employees are taking, claiming are banned breeds and starting legal proceedings to gain permission to kill the dogs.

There is a former councilman who left to become a City Attorney.  He's the guy with the Irish last name who thought it was funny to threaten this Irish lass in front of a group of men.

I did NOT have to say a word.  The men scared him off. 

When I attended pet related hearings in the past, this was the idiot representing the city.

It's a good old boys' network.

There is one thing going for us ladies.  These men are scared of us!

We have more power than we know.


I've seen two stories now of dogs who are being threatened with death.

One is a shepherd the city claims is a wolf.

The other is a pitbull.

I posted them.  I put in a nice little warning about how this causes government to lose rapport with voters. It also creates a distrust of government.

The voters always vote down tax hikes because they don't trust the government. If Colorado lawmakers want people to vote for their tax hikes then they need to reign in the abusive municipalities.

I must have put that into the collective unconscious.

Within 24 hours state Senators started a petition to free Capone the Shepherd (not wolf).  I don't think they know about Bandit. 

I told one of them.  I like this guy.  He's a Democrat who wants to be Governor.  He's pretty smart.  He can figure stuff out very quickly.  It's rare to find a politician who cares enough to listen let alone put in the brain power to figure out what the problems are. 

Maybe that's what needs to happen. 

We need our senators to go forth and remind the local governments that they can add to our freedoms but they cannot make laws impinging the freedoms that the state and Federal government recognize.

I'm sure the State of Colorado is suffering from a bit of image tarnishing due to the disgusting antics of Aurora and Adams County.  It would behoove State lawmakers to talk a little bit of sense into Aurora's City Manager.

Yes, the mayor is only a figurehead.  The one in we have now has ran this city for over 45 years.  He knows everybody.  He knows how to get the conversation started.  There is power in relationships.  I hope he figures this out and talks some sense into his City Manager and Council cohorts.



Yes, I was offered a severance package from my employer.  They can't afford to do business in Colorado and I'm nearly through training my replacements in Florida.

I may take it the severance package just so I can jump back into the political fray.

I miss doing covert group hypnosis (just teasing....I never did that.....on purpose).

Love ya,




I decided to do something I hate to do. I'm going to cast another spell.

I dislike them.  Almost every time I do a binding spell someone dies.  Every time I've done one, someone has been threatened with death.  All I ask is that the death be prevented.

Usually the asshole dies.  Once a brat who worked for the city and threatened me got in a car crash.  Another time the idiot lost the job he had that funded the abuse. 

I'm a Crone.  Any Crone is going to tell you that spells are always a last ditch effort.  You have to exhaust every possible means of protecting someone or changing a situation before you light a candle.

I feel I have done that.  If you know who I am, you know how far I went to try to get the local government to level out the playing field and to stop abusing employees and forcing them to abuse the citizens.

I've sued.  I ran for office. I tried talking sense into the powers that be.  I tried talking to State and Federal lawmakers.

I did what I could.

I've done everything I can in the mundane world.

I've been threatened a lot by employees that work for the city.  I'm sure they threaten me because they face huge fines of hundreds of dollars if they disobey unethical orders from their superiors.

I hold no ill will towards the employees, only the supervisors, the attorneys and the process.

Whoever is lying and behaving unethically will be forced out by the spell.

I won't do it like I did last time.  Last time it was a protection spell meant to protect the police and any employee or family harmed by the unethical people in command at the city.  I had a dream the city building caught fire.  I cast two protection spells; one for the cops and one to help the employees.

I hate spells.  They are necessary. 

I think the city attorneys are going to continue to play these games.  I don't think the city will willingly fire these asshats.

I have to do what must be done.


At what point do Christians pray? 

This is the point I pray to black candles while reading the psalms.

This time, it will be different.  It will be a banishing spell on whoever is bending the truth to kill these animals. 

I would highly suggest people who are lying polish up their resumes.  If the dogs are killed, I would highly recommend these people get their affairs in order.

Whatever you do to another living being, will happen to you.

Heed my words. 

Knock it off!

Your life will be as valuable as you value other life. 

This is something I hate to do.

There was no reason for the shelter employee to try to intimidate me. 

There was no reason for all the crap I've endured from city employees for over ten years now....NONE AT ALL. 

There was no reason for the eight hour deposition or any of the stolen money.  There was no reason to fine me for an issue committee that was closed out by my ex-husband three years before the council levied the fine.  The worst part, they refused to work with me to pay this illicit fine I did not owe.  I'm responsible.  I'd have made payments just to be a good citizen.  The council refused to let me do that.

My ex wound up stealing $10,000 out of my divorce settlement to pay it AFTER WE WERE DIVORCED!!! 

Imagine my anger when I found that the illicit fine was only $500.  So now the City of Aurora owes me $1,000 for their illegal fines.   

I've had enough. 

Maybe I should do a spell to get my money back during the new moon.  I don't like spells. Remember the tale of the Monkey's Paw?  Really....when you ask for money, you have to be very specific about where it comes from. 

I dislike casting spells.  I'd rather deal with it in the mundane world (e.g. fighting tax hikes).

I still scoff when I remember how the current councilman for the fourth district once had a high priced set of lawyers (Brown & Shrek) ask that Mrs. (my ex's last name) no longer publicize the names of abusive city employees.

I am no longer Mrs. anything.  I never signed anything saying I won't publicize their names.  If you harass someone in an email.  The receiver has the right to publish that email in full online. 

She has every right to share the backstory.  

I'm not done. I'm sad about that.  My work isn't done because the crap is still ongoing. 

I'm one of those people you don't want watching you.  It frustrates me to see abusive city employees doing this stuff to other families. 

I decided to hunt down my old documentation to send to state lawmakers.  We need to take away an exemption from State Law that this city abuses.  I suspect this exemption is how bad managers, like Jennee S., force their employees to claim a shepherd mix is a wolf-hybrid.  The other examples is Robin and Danielle P using the threat of fines to corral city employees into pushing bar owners to produce their books during happy hour!

You learn a lot during eight hour depositions.

The reason I am going to do this is because I believe that I'm not special.  I fear for these families. I'm not going to be the only one harassed by city employees.  I truly believe that these families fighting for their dogs are probably being harassed like we were. 

The harassment I endured from the city probably saved my life  When the cop cars hung outside my house, my stalkers weren't there.

I should have listened when the Shrek lawyer alluded to my being stalked.  I had an unwanted security team, didn't I? They probably saw crap I never noticed. 

This is probably why the cops NEVER took a stalking report because they'd have to admit to the harassment. Yeah....I'm thinking about taking a job as a victim's advocate.  Can you imagine what I'll do if Aurora cops don't take reports from my clients??

I'll fix it. 

I feel like a movie star now with all the cameras around my house!


If you don't remember anything else.......


Animals are sacred to Pagans. 

DOGS and CATS are sacred to witches.  These are the very animals that this shelter kills.

NEVER EVER harm a dog or cat that is domesticated, healthy and loved.

You're playing with fire. 

I hope this Jennee person polishes up her resume.  I want the shelter leadership changed or the shelter shut down.

These people are full of themselves and drunk with power.

The last time I cast a binding spell to stop an unknown abuser at the city, the brat who fined and threatened me crashed her Jeep and had to be deposed sitting on a donut  

I don't want to do this....but else can I do?

No one is listening.  That was my experience in 2008 when they pulled this shit with me. 

It gets worse.  I've had a bad experience at this shelter.

I was threatened by a man of color when I visited the shelter back in 2014. I went back and found blood on the dog's kennel.

I've never forgiven them for this.  I stayed away to protect the dogs.  Dogs are dying whether or not I stay silent.

I may as well do what I hate to do. 

NEVER threaten a hypnotist.

NEVER harass families.

NEVER ignore your tax base. 

NEVER ever harm a dog that the hypnotist has visited in your kennel. 

This is what makes it personal for me.  This is going to create a lot of anger while I light that candle.

The anger is what leads to the negative outcomes.

Yeah, the blood on the walls is a clue that the Aurora Animal Shelter needs shut down.   I don't want my hard earned tax dollars funding this facility. 

I've NEVER forgiven the staff for the blood on the walls of the kennel that dog was in. 

Now that I know that wasn't a one-off, I am angry enough to do things I dislike doing. 

Knock it off NOW. 

It would be wise to listen to people so they don't have to resort to religious prayer.

Some people don't pray in the same way you do.

If you're the asshole in charge.....

you have to ask yourself if I'm serious and this is your final warning to fix it


if I'm full of shit and trying to get you to change your ways via manipulation.

If it were me, I'd DO THE RIGHT THING NOW without wasting time trying to figure it out if this crazy blogger hypnotic witch is messing around.

Siegfred Out.



This is NOT the one I'm going to cast.  If I have to meddle with magick, I'm going much, much darker.

This one is nice. It is to Diana (aka Artemis, Ishtar, Innana, Bast,).

You can light a silver or white candle, etch the names of the dogs you want to protect in the candle  (or all dogs at ______________shelter) and recite this spell.  If you want to rub the candle in oil or light incense, I found that she likes Almond oil.  Sandalwood, lemon and rose are good choices.  If you are into pot, cannabis is fine, too.  If you're in a state that allows that sort of thing. 

This is best done on a Monday (for she is the Goddess of the moon).  You can do this any day if you feel like the pups are in danger. 

Protective Blessings for Dogs

From Everyday Magic: Spells & Rituals for Modern Living by Dorothy Morrison © 2002 Llewellyn Publications

Diana, Goddess of the Wild,
Keeper of dogs both fierce and mild,
Hold (name of pet) safely in Your arms
And protect this creature from all harm.
And should the day come that he/she roams
Guide him/her to the path back home.
Bless (name of pet) with a joyful life
Free of hardship, stress, and strife.

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