Today I am thankful for the culmination of dreams, insight from other Pagans and a Goddess meditation. First off, I was wrong. Working 50 hours a week and attending school for 20 hours does not get rid of dreams of an old love. Sigh.... I figure that if I understood what my subconscious mind was trying to say, the dreams would stop. The dreams started in 1987. They waned for a bit but came back with a vengeance on 11-5-2005. For the first decade or so, the dreams were frightening. In each dream, the subject would be injured. The heartbreaking thing was that, invariably, the subject would wind up with these injuries in real life. No, I had nothing to do with the injuries. About three years ago, they turned into more personal dreams. The only thing they do now is make me feel bizarre. I can't be running around having subconscious imagery of a guy I rarely talk to anymore. It would be very awkward to fun into his family now