Today I am thankful for Google.
So....over the past three weeks....
we think we had someone break into the house. The kids heard footsteps one morning. The cat freaked out. It got to the point where we bought one of these for each and every door (including the door leading into the back yard from the garage).
On Saturday, my ex-husband accused me of stalking him He's been diagnosed with NPD. It is well known that one always knows what a narcissist is up to doing because he'll accuse you of the very same thing.
He is also blaming me for things that are going wrong in his life.
It's sick, I know.
The problem with blaming someone else for all your problems is that you give them a heck of a lot of control over your well being. That.....and it also gives you an excuse to avoid taking responsibility for making things better.
He claims his family was stalking me but he doesn't talk to them....except when he does. He used to speak to his cousin daily when things got frightening in 2011-2015. Now he's planning on hanging out with his brother (my former brother-in-law and his wife used to wait for me at Pagan events even though they are Christian...they'd wait just to chew me out for some perceived wrongdoing - it got to the point that I stopped attending to avoid them).
The family is very enmeshed. I'm glad not to have to deal with it on a daily basis any more.
The kids also had a weird experience with someone banging on the door Monday (06/18) afternoon. They didn't answer. This wouldn't be the first time.
Now someone is attempting to hack into my job-search Google account. Somehow they managed to get my password.
My phone has been locking up and so has my computer. I'll have to scrub both of them for malware. I thought I'd document this just in case I wind up six feet under.
For what it is worth, my sister-in-law and her boyfriend used to harass me on Wednesdays. This could be a coincidence. I don't know.
I do know that, in the past, I wrote everything off as a coincidence only to find out that the events were interconnected and part of my ex-husband's controlling tendencies.
This is slightly irritating. It just may be a coincidence. I'll document it just in case there is more going on than meets the eye.
Love ya,
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