Today I am thankful that I have my sHit-List and can laugh manically. I feel like a fool. I feel like I did when the man I married as a teenager had a woman come looking for him on my days off when I was sick at home. He'd beat me so he could spend the night somewhere else. When I finally got sick of being put in the hospital I left my apartment and she immediately moved in. For many years, I still believed him when he denied the affair. His mistress, now wife, had to explain it to me when she was complaining about him cheating on her. I feel like I did when my ex-husband and I were trying to gain custody of my run-away, orphan sister. While she was living with us, she started getting bizarre phone calls all hours of the day and night. I had a guy friend of hers try to rape me (beat the shit out of him - you know, PTSD) and tell me that if I wanted custody of her, I had to pay him f...