Today I am thankful for sheriff officers who break the law and the supervisors who cover it up. Oh, and I'm thankful for video footage, too. Two weeks ago someone I know shared a video of sheriff officers breaking the law . She asked the officers for their names. They refused, on camera. In Colorado, a peace officer is supposed to give you his business card when asked. One of them was very nasty in his refusal. I saw the video. I was angry. ***** Part of what they did was utilize several handicap parking spots for their personal vehicles. They refused to move them. They blocked access to the disabled parking at a county owned public facility! I saw the video and became angry when I saw the cop refuse to give his name. It took me a few minutes to realize the source of my anger. It goes well beyond people who are sworn to uphold the law actually breaking it. That's always been a pet peeve of mine. ****** I have a crush . This man has t...