Today I am grateful for Libertarians.
I'm tired of sex being a political ploy. I'm tired of men legislating my vj but being unable to allow other people to use the correct term for it. James Bolger is such a penis!!
If Bolger can't say vagina, I wonder if he communicates like a caveman. Does he point to his wife's nether-regions in an attempt to communicate that he's little more than a dirty old man.
Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe he's one of those know, the kind that only does it with male whores.
I don't know.
All I know is that I believe that this is really the fault of the voters.
Maybe if we quit voting in vanilla politicians, we'd get some of our liberties back. Maybe equality wouldn't be an issue anymore. Maybe the government will admit it really doesn't want to be the voyeur in our bedrooms anymore because it keeps our officials from having their own fun.
Oh, sweet freedom....the stuff of my fantasies.
I'm seriously thinking of starting a political movement, one where we quiz political candidates about their sex lives. We'll promote the kinky ones because they get real life. They know that boredom is the problem, its the reason why people divorce.
The kinkier they are, the more likely they will be to let us be free.
Our motto will be:
Vote the freaks in so you can legally get your freak on!
Love ya,