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Well....Someone Broke Into My Garage

 Today I am thankful that I have a dog and a camera system. 

I'm just saddened that I let the batteries die in my camera after I broke my ankle so I didn't get a picture of the perp. 

I came home Thursday, went out into the garage, and noticed a chair under the garage door opener with several feet of wire around the chair.  I initially thought they were pulled off of the walls. 

I don't remember having wires on the wall but to be honest, I don't pay attention. 

My tools were all over the place. 

Baskets were moved. 

No one can get into the house.  I still brace my doors with metal rods.  I learned my lesson after I caught Mike's sister breaking into the house. 

Still....someone managed to get into the garage. 


Today I'm babysitting. 

The young adults living here took the kiddo out to walk the dog. 

I left to pick up the kiddo's favorite pizza. 

When I came back, there were several feet of thick wire threaded through the top of the garage door. 

Damn it! 

There is very little in the garage for a thief to steal.  Right now, I'm just using the garage to stage old furniture until I pay someone to haul it off. 

If the thief wants some old leather and oak my guest. 

If (s)he comes into my home, the demons will come out to play.  If you're gonna break into a witch's house, don't do it towards the end of summer when black candles are plentiful. 

Someone doesn't know me. 

(cue the cackling). 


Maybe I'll write about the other weirdness in my world. 

There was an OBH mandated diversity class I took that tried to teach me that I'm supposed to pretend that white people are inherently racist, even if they are orphans who are said to have fathers who are African American. 

I guess even those white folks married to black partners are racist, too. 

Yeah - I'm buying that unlike my first house in Montbello, my bass guitars, and my huge collection of R & B music.

(That's my version of sarcasm...)

That would have flown back in the 70's.  Today....not so much. 

In this class, they taught about the practice of redlining, where lenders would only lend to minorities in certain zip codes.  There was no mention that this practice has been illegal since 1968! If this happens to you, I'm sure a competant real estate lawyer will sue on your behalf for a percentage of the settlement. 

Just take it from Sue Happy. 

There were other tidbits of incomplete information.  I'll type them out as I remember them. 

The other thing that irritated me was the discussion of Jim Crow which was said to allow the discrimination of black people.  NO....Jim Crow was the government forcing people to discriminate against black people. 

Just like the government is trying to sell the stupid idea that all white folks are racist.  Nothing like dividing a populace to cause trouble and keep control over everyone. 

Says the white chick who pulls over when she notices the local cops searching vehicles.  Yeah...if you see an old red headed chick standing by a Buick on the side of the road watching while the cops search your car, she'll answer to Siegfred.  I also have a dark haired friend who does the same thing.  She's white and answers to the last name of a 80's era president who was once an actor. 

If we are threatened with arrest, both of us would not hesitate to sue the police department, either. 

I guess our racist genes are broken.  

No, we are not broken. The theory of White Fragility was probably born from the mind of a woman struggling with her racism who hasn't realized that things aren't really black and white any more. 

The problem appears to be government actors who get away with discrimination!  

I would say that the reason white folks don't want to talk about race too much any more is that some yahoo comes up with a theory every two or three years shaming us for giving a damn.  It gets old. 

My grandmother was a grand-niece of Ulysses S. Grant.  Her mom was a Pentecostal minister who ministered to the newly freed slaves back in Dayton, Ohio.  My grandmother and her sisters would talk of sewing clothes for the children of the former slaves so that they would feel comfortable attending church. 

To be clear, people in the Pentecostal faith do not believe in color or gender. 

There was a women's based abolitionist movement back in the 1800's which fought for the end of slavery. 

I doubt people who write books to sell business diversity trainings care enough to know that. 

In a couple of generations, most US Citizens are going to have a bit of numerous races in their genetic code. 

Maybe then, we won't be black, brown, red, yellow or white.  We'll get to be the human race.  

I'm trying to be nice.  I have a BA in Social Science, so this stuff is old hat to me. I originally aspired to get my doctorate in social science -but- when colleges stopped giving the children of professors free rides, I decided to switch majors. 

I grew up with a heavy Pentecostal influence.  Fighting for people is natural for me.  It doesn't matter their race or gender.  Justice is all that matters. 

Back in the '90s, I remember having black school board members tell me that people were valued based on how light their skin was and that the darker the skin, the less they could be trusted.  They were pissed at me because I tried to fight for the neighborhood children.  When they couldn't argue against my points, they'd question why I cared or why I lived in an African American neighborhood.

Yeah.....I remember fighting black educators to prevent the busing of black students because they didn't perform well on CSAP tests! Rather than tutor the kiddos, they wanted to make them ride a bus an extra two hours per day! 

No one wanted to talk about how racist standardized tests are, either. 

I remember being told I wouldn't fit in anywhere because of my perceived parentage.  I'm still kind of a lone wolf but wouldn't have it any other way now. 

Yet, I'm the racist because my skin is light? 

Um.....Oh my goodness, the liberals on the licensure board are flippin' insane. 

It's got me reconsidering finishing the program I'm in.  I'm taking a time-out. Maybe it's not the curriculum.  Maybe the problem was the instructor.  

She went on a rant about Trump.  I can't stand Trump but, damn it, why do the liberals blame him for everything? They give him so much power!  It's almost as if they're making him out to be a demi-God or something. 

It's disturbing.  He's JUST a man.  He's a man who spent the majority of his life as a registered Democrat, too.  It's strange how the idiots who complain the loudest don't know squat about politics. 

She made it sound like racism wasn't a thing before Trump's presidency.  

It's annoying.  

If I jump back into politics, you'll know what pushed me over the edge. 

I should be careful, huh....anyone who questions the primary narrative (whether or not it is based in fact or fad) gets canceled. 

Boy...I can't wait for this ugly version of reality to shift......geesh! 

People are starting to see that cancel culture is about pushing a narrative and stifling free speech.  This is why we now have a bunch of homeless folks who lost work and housing in 2020, a destroyed economy, and people not knowing if they can trust the Covid vaccinations or mask mandates. 

Now we are headed into inflation of epic proportions. one is allowed to question the 2020 Covid narrative. 

Crap - 

On the bright side, it appears some politicians found those old journal articles about the gain of function studies to make the bat coronavirus more virulant.  Funny thing, though, these politicians never seemed to mention that those studies began in Chapel Hill, North Carolina before being moved to Wuhan.  The Republicans never mention that Obama cut the funding but Anthony Fauci kept funding those studies despite the order from the Obama administration. 

What do you want to bet Anthony Fauci (or someone super close to him) has stock in a vaccine company? 

Yeah - you know you're growing warmer when you're called a conspiracy theorist.  Just remember.....conspiracies happen all the time and it's only a theory until it's proven. 

In this case, one can offer medical journal and newspaper articles as proof. 

Maybe the people in power know but don't want to admit the role of the US in the creation of the virus. 

Truth is a funny thing, it will eventually reveal itself.  

This will wind up being yet another scandal. 


There are days I need to rant.  I just wish ranting didn't inspire me to do stuff that pisses a bunch of people off. 

Justice is all that matters.  

Love ya, 


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