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Yiannopoulos & Seeming Stockholm Syndrome

Today I am thankful I haven't forgotten my background.

I left the Libertarian Party out of deference to my Gods. 

I got used to the assholes in the party.  Most people are civil.  Most people can speak without being offensive morons.

It was the .02% I couldn't stand when they'd shame women.

Every party has smelly sexist assholes.

The Democrat assholes threaten to kill you.

The Republican assholes tell you to make them sandwiches.

The Libertarian assholes will tell you that women are only as free as the men that own them say they are.  I'm not joking, there are Libertarian men who believe that men should have the final say as to a woman's reproductive options. 

The Anarchist asshole I met would get upset if you had anything to do with the government (e.g. hold a driver's license, pay your taxes, call the police when you see a car in a crash, compliment the mayor and so on) but threatened to lie to the cops to get a restraining order against a person for refusing to speak to him.  No, I don't talk to this asshole anymore. 

You know....I've yet to met a Green Party asshole.  Maybe they don't exist?  Maybe there are not the sort of people you meet at the gas station.  Hmmmm......I'll ponder that one. 

As an auburn haired orphan, I learned early on to have a thick skin. 

I think by the time I hit twenty, I didn't give a crap what people said about me.  I'd probably heard it all by then. 

My venture into politics was not scary.  People are nuts.  People make up lies and crap to try to get to you.  They throw their stories into the air hoping that they would stick.

A lot of activists are like shit throwing monkeys.

Part of this blog was to joke about their stories.  If I truly were what some have said, I wouldn't live as I currently do. 

That's not why I'm writing.  I digress.  Please accept my apologies.

There is a point.  People criticize unfairly to draw you into a conversation and to use your precious energy.  The kind of people who mock others for being old, gay, female and so on are like energy vampires.  They do it to get a reaction and to have power over your inner peace.

They feed off your emotional energy.

Don't give it to them. 

Don't feed the emotional vampires.


I try to avoid political drama.  There is a lot of drama.  I do my best not to follow it. 

Sometimes, in my avoidance of the drama, I miss key opportunities to explain to self-righteous assholes why people behave as they do. 

There is a young man, who is quite a douche, being vilified for saying stupid crap.  He gives speeches making fun of fat people, women and so on and so forth.  I don't follow the garbage so I can't speak to it.  I'll post a link for you to read up on him.

Now.....the Libertarians I know are bitching about him to the nth degree.  Conservatives label this guy as a Libertarian (he's not) and bitching about the party.

It's a mess.

I hear he was fired from his job at a libertarian publication.

Well.....employers have to do what is best for their organizations. 

Before we criticize this guy too much more....maybe we need to understand him.

Let's dissect his baloney, shall we? 

This guy, apparently, thinks it's okay for older men to have sex with adolescents.

Then, we learn, he was molested by a Catholic Priest*.

Let me restate this another way, he was objectified as a sex object by a Catholic Priest* when he was fourteen years old.

He was sexually abused by a Catholic Priest*.

Here is a newsflash; CHILDREN LEARN WHAT THEY LIVE!!

He was a sex object as an adolescent.  This probably explains his objectification of every one else. 

He was sexually abused.  This explains why he normalizes the behavior.  He's doing it to cope with his victimization.  He's trying to convince himself that he is not a victim.  That the lawbreaking behavior on the part of the priest was consensual.

By claiming responsibility for the Priest's lawlessness and sin, he enables himself to feel safer.  It gives him a sense of power and control.

The man needs help! 

The man sounds like he has Stockholm Syndrome!

The thing that really chaps my hide is that the woman I see vilifying him on her Facebook page is a psychologist!!!


Don't fear this young man**.  Don't give him anything other than pity. 

I hope it's not too late to take his rapist to prison. 

Let's be honest, shall we?

This guy is a victim who is identifying with his rapist.

The guy who did this to him is a rapist. He needs imprisoned.  And if the Anarchists bitch because I wrote that, let me tell you that prison is far more merciful that what I would wish to do with him***.  

How many other young me are suffering from the aftereffects of sexual abuse?

Light a candle for Milo Yiannopoulos.  He's young enough to recover.  Who knows what he can accomplish and how many victims of sexual assault he can inspire.

He's angry.  He has every flippin' right to be angry.  His parents let him down.  His neighbors let him down.  The Catholic church let him down.

He survived hell on his own.  Where were the adults in his life? 

And yes.......I know he spends his time making fun of people like me.  You know what?  I will laugh if someone calls me an old, fat, bitchy cunt.  The other day I had someone call me "a living angel."  That is life.  Everyone perceives people, places and things differently. 

All that truly matters is how we see ourselves.  I pray this kid gets a grip on who he truly is. 

He didn't deserve what happened to him.  He deserved to have a childhood and not be forced to experience things before he was ready for them.  That sexual predator stole his youth.

That predator rapist pig doesn't need to steal anything more from this young man.

It's never to late for any of us to become what we might have been. 

Blessed Be,


*This is why I am not Christian.  I can meditate to my candles.  I can pray.  There are times when I will see the face of Jesus and feel love for my brethren (even the assholes).  I am not Christian.  I am Pagan.  Christ didn't ruin the religion for me.  The men who represent it did.  The entire Catholic sex scandal is enough to prove to me that the religion is a hypocrisy.  Not to mention that much of Catholicism is Paganism.  Even the demons in my religion refuse to condone rape (Don't believe me?  Research Lilith.). 

** Yes, I'll call him a young man because his emotional growth was stunted when he was raped at age 14.  Think about it.  He acts like he stopped growing at 14!

***It's a shame those stories about my incubi are.....gossip.  Remember, the stories about the incubi were created by Catholic people lying to vilify groups of people. 

Such is life....


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