Today I am curious about the subconscious messages my mind is trying to share in my dreams. Of late, I've had dreams that I am transported into an alternate universe at night. It's an interesting environment to dream about. The dreams always start with me riding in a super speed rain train where I'm staring out the windows and marveling at the teal and white rocky mountains.... the people sitting next to me don't understand my shock. I tell them that the mountains I'm used to are purple.... they laugh. The lakes in the dreams are purple. The grass is silver. The cities look nearly the same. In these dreams, shopping is interesting. I had a dream of visiting a Macy's where I walked past a display of Madonna brand perfume, her picture had glowing blue robotic eyes which emanated from her face. I looked around and noticed some teens have adopted the style. In my dream world, robotic eyes are a thing. One wonders if robotic eyes prev...