** I know no method to secure the repeal of bad or obnoxious laws so effective as their stringent execution. - Ulysses S. Grant Today I am thankful that I have some measure of class. Oh my Lord and Lady..... I don't know what in the world to think. A politician I went after nine years ago wants to rip Donald Trump's family from their fortune.... take all their money away.... so that they can get him to play ball. NO!! I thought we were the land of the free. What part of that is free or fair? Ugh.... DO YOU KNOW HOW TO GET HIM TO PLAY BALL? Get better players in the game. Train your guys to stand up to Trump. Give your guys the tools.... Give your guys the support and the money.... to take a stand on your behalf. There is no reason to be uncivilized. I don't understand all the liberal hullabaloo over Donald trump. Trump is a loudmouth. They're giving the loudmouth their power. The way to win this... is to emp...