Today I am thankful for decorum.
I am disgusted that governor lacks it*.
He posted this stupid meme to Facebook.
Over the past 35 years, I've spent a lot of time advocating for the LGBTQIA+ population.
One of the hardest stereotypes to overcome is the thought that people in the LGBT community are perverts that want to influence our children to become sexually provocative and active at an early age.
This bullshit doesn't help. It sets the movement back.
If the governor's husband posts it - it's cute.
If he posts it publically, it's disgusting just due to his station in life.
Most of what I write here about myself is gossip. It's just shit people say about me (which makes it hard when I hear competing gossip because it's hard for me to decide what to post).
One of the hardest stereotypes to overcome is the thought that people in the LGBT community are perverts that want to influence our children to become sexually provocative and active at an early age.
This bullshit doesn't help. It sets the movement back.
If the governor's husband posts it - it's cute.
If he posts it publically, it's disgusting just due to his station in life.
Most of what I write here about myself is gossip. It's just shit people say about me (which makes it hard when I hear competing gossip because it's hard for me to decide what to post).
The latest gossip is that I'm an asexual prude- If so, I would find this type of thing gross.
Other people say that my type are big burly black guys (which could be true because most of my favorite bass players are big, burly black guys...... as was the detective who rescued me..... and my gorgeous neighbor who helps me carry in my heavy bags of garden soil....and the hot guy who flirts with me in traffic.....sigh.....)
It doesn't really matter because I have absolutely no time to date anyone. I guess asexual is the most honest of the gossip.
I can share the gossip about my personality in the hopes of illustrating a point.
I have a RN coworker who says that she can't watch Rose in the Titanic without thinking of me because I'm too prim and proper in my dress, speech and mannerisms. I work in the capacity of a counselor at this job (and I'm not above calling assholes rude).
As an aside - Yes, when I was 17, I might have jumped if I didn't have a sweet young man try to save me. I'm probably the stuff of his nightmares now. When I see him, I don't know if I should thank him or beg his forgiveness. My M.O. is to run away. Yeah.....I was a mess back then....and maybe now, too. Only a messy person would take on so much, huh?
That would be where this comparison would end.
As an aside - Yes, when I was 17, I might have jumped if I didn't have a sweet young man try to save me. I'm probably the stuff of his nightmares now. When I see him, I don't know if I should thank him or beg his forgiveness. My M.O. is to run away. Yeah.....I was a mess back then....and maybe now, too. Only a messy person would take on so much, huh?
That would be where this comparison would end.
When I debate politicians and am hauled in for eight hour depositions with their lawyers, I've been told I act like Brenda Leigh Johnson.
To be fair, I dress more like her than I act like her. I do have a lot of fun catching asshats in lies and embarrassing them for it. I strive to be polite - it's easier to intimidate with a smile than by cursing and screaming.
I've had friends compare me to The Mentalist.
My favorite comparison came from a fellow musician. He thought Michael Steele (the red haired bass player in the black hat) resembled me. Yes, I often wear a hat just like that.
Truth be told, we see what we want to see in others. I don't think I'm anything like any of these people and/or characters.
If I am, it is only because we have various roles during our daily lives and they may be projecting the role of these people/characters on to me. What is appropriate in one role, really isn't appropriate in others.
I wouldn't bring Charlie (my Fender Precision) to city hall or my hypnosis practice (but maybe to a rehab center so I could jam with the patients). I wouldn't mess with my fellow musicians' or activists' minds (unless they had problems with stage fright or inconvenient cigarette cravings). I wouldn't let my freak flag fly when I'm acting in the role of political activist or counselor - maybe if I were on stage in a band and there were no cameras - never mind - it's sexier to save it for someone who really wants to see it.
Context is key. It would be wise for our Governor to understand that.
I'm not sure if I resemble anyone famous. Seriously..... When I modeled, I was told I looked like Susan Sarandon. Now....I think I look like a bright orange bowling ball.
Seriously, I can't think of an old, bitchy, overweight, out of shape mesmerist who doesn't practice her guitar enough.
Perhaps it's best just to understand the main point of my crazy ramblings. Context is important.
Colorado's governor shouldn't act like a twelve year old boy in public if he wants disenfranchised libertarians to vote for him.
Don't make the old, fat mesmerist jump back into activism.
Love ya,
P.S. If you want to call me a homophobe, be mindful of whom I worship. Apollon and Artemis would not smile upon someone non-accepting of homosexuality. Then again, Zeus and Hermes were known to disguise themselves as homeless beggars to test if people were worthy of their gifts - most Democratic and Republican politicians would fail that test (but that's another blog post for another day....asshats….most of our politicians are immature asshats).

*NEXT DAY EDIT: Apparently my city councilwoman lacks decorum, too. I don't think I need many signatures to challenge her. In doing so, I'd be keeping a promise I made in 2011 and again in 2017.
Geesh! I'd rather spend my time helping the community with other pursuits.
I know Ms. Coombs doesn't care about homeless people (black, white, red, yellow or brown) because she ignores me when I try to tell her what is going on and spin it to her political advantage.
Maybe....the old crone needs to come down to city hall and teach the youngins a thing about respect and decorum. We can get more attention using civilized language than we can trying to act like teenage hooligans.
Grow up!!!

Edit 06/11/20 -
On the bright side, Governor Polis has stopped posting illustrations of weenies. His mask posts have become much more professional*.
Sadly, he is now deleting comments from the governor's official Facebook page that he doesn't agree with. I'll go to post a journal article on a misguided comment and it'll be gone. This has happened so much that I know his social media team is deleting comments.
I'm not voting for Polis. If he's afraid of the opinions of the electorate, he's a coward. There's only one thing I hate more than an asshole and that is a coward masquerading as a leader.
And he hasn't read the CDC guidelines regarding masks. He totally forgets the part about people unable to breathe in masks and that they are not recommended during heavy exercise.
*It strikes me as sad that Aurora cops killed a kid for wearing a mask in the summer last year. I'm happy his family is finally getting a voice. I'm sickened by the details that are leaking out.
So -
I'm giving thought into going back into political activism.
It's just difficult because
I hate conservatives due to their social policies.
I hate democrats due to their economic policies.
I'm an equal opportunity hater and there are times when I wonder how I can find a following.
The truth is that I'm sure I can find a following because I'm going to place money on the fact that there are thousands of disgusted people out there....just like me.
If I can only find out who likes to be interviewed by the press, I'll have it made.
Edit 8:20pm 07/16/20 - a man just drove by my house to report that the Aurora Police Department threatened our city councilwoman (listed above). He then said something about hacking, monitoring and email.
Yes, the Aurora Police Dept will harass political candidates but I never figured out if they were following orders from other City Councilpeople, the City Manager or the Police union.
The bitch is back. I'm calling a lawyer in the morning but a good activist holds her cards to her vest.
Love ya,