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I'm Thankful for Narcissistic Rage

 Today, I am thankful for Narcississtic Rage.

Yes, I am aware that I capitalized this phoenomenon.  Of course I would....when narcissists rage, it is huge! 

It is beautiful. 

Narcissists are artful liars. 

They are obnoxious, know it all, threatening little bullies. 

They pretend to be all that, when in reality, they are nothing. 

We have a tiny group of twenty or so obnoxious bullies targeting our city.  They claim to be god-fearing but they have no such fear of God.  In fact, I know demonologists who are far more god-fearing than these clowns. 

I know what they are. 

They are narcissists. 

Narcissists are insecure.  They know they are stupid.  They know they suck, so they have to put on airs to pretend that they are holier than thou and better than you.  They poke.  They prod.  They scream.  They yell.  They annoy the hell out of you until you accept their psuedo version of reality. 

The problem is that it is the reality that only exists in their head. 

So, if some moron claims to be the head of the only true church, if some moron thinks that he is a prophet of God, he won't like being told otherwise.  He'll go into a rage when forced to confront the reality of what he really is. 

People will see him for what he really is when he rages. 

Say, he calls a woman a whore in a publication.  He is no longer a man of God, now is he?

His rage cost him his reputation.  If she sues for harassment, he's lost his reputation as a lawyer. 

This moron, though, likes to provoke people.  He picks on them.  He violates their privacy.  He disturbs the peace.  He threatens lawmakers.  He puts his family in government positions and torments the hell of out the elected officials in his home state.  This is how he gets away with least in the small town he comes from. 

It doesn't work like that in the big city.   

If that moron thinks that he can bully city governments into placating his version of reality lest he sue them for ever and ever and waste taxpayer dough.....he'll do it. 

No one has the balls to call him on his bluff because that would piss him off.  They say pissing him off would give him attention.  Sure it will...but it will not be the attention that he wants. 

He wants adoration. 

He'll get hatred, spite and cursed. 

Pissing him off is the very thing that will expose him for the fraud he is.   It is what must happen to make him ashamed and quiet.  It is the only thing that will make him to sit in a corner and wank off by himself. 

How to do you piss off a narcissist? 

Tell the truth. 

They don't like that because it will destroy their pseudo, cult-like world. 

A man with a very hated church in Topeka, Kansas called me a whore.  A whore.  If you know me, you know I've been married to the same man my entire adult life and only had sex to procreate. 

If you don't believe me ask the man I married.  Ask his mommy, his daddy and his coworkers. 

Yucky, I know.....TMI, eh? 

Yet, I'm a celibate whore.  I write about coping in a sexless marriage for other women married to Catholic men.  I write about celibacy and ways to use that energy for the betterment of the community. 

Perhaps Rev. Smarty-pants lawyer hasn't bothered to Google my name yet. 

He has the balls to call me a nice......

This man is a prophet of God? 

Why didn't God grant him the gift of communication? 

He communicates like a cave man. 

Maybe he doesn't have the gift of communication because God doesn't want him to spread his message. 

Perhaps he thinks he can read minds?  Perhaps I have the mind of a whore and just don't know it.

Maybe he can see into the future?  Maybe I will be a whore at some later date.

No.....I thought Baptists were supposed to eschew divination as per Genesis.  It's been a while since I studied theology.

Maybe he isn't harassing anyone or breaking his own spiritual code.  Maybe he's just senile and hungry for a hooker's touch.  Maybe he was testing me to see if I'd 'do' him.  I don't know.  I mean, NO but I don't know what he's after. 

I think he got a rise out of calling me a whore. 

Where is the saltpeter when I need it? 


I DO know that his behavior isn't ethical from a religious standpoint, at least not any religion that I'm familiar with. 

He doesn't know me.  He's just trying to provoke me into doing something stupid so he could sue me for the dustbunnies under my bed.  That's all I have now. 

I was once an ordianed Minister.  I spent the past twenty or so years studying various religions.  God was smart enough to put threads through every one of them.  They all contain a kernal of truth.

I'm hoping these psuedo Chrisitans discover Islam, especially since they think that God hates Muslims.  God probably loves Muslims because they fight the infidel within their bodies and minds; this describes the majority of Muslims I've met in person.  This destroying America thingy is not something I've come across outside of news reports. 

Did you know that Islam is the only religion on the planet that forbids both spell casting and consorting with spirits and entities?   Christians tend to allow herbal spell casting while people of the Jewish faith have been known to ask entities to cast spells on their behalf. 

I love aspects of all religions.  I find a hint of truth in all of them. 

I love Islam.  I love the Djinn stories.  I especially love the stories about how each of us is assigned a Shaitan to tempt us into the fiery pits of hell.  That certainly explains a lot. 

I have a little advice to this family of bullies in Topeka, Kansas.  Name your Shaitan and it has no control over you. 

I think your Shaitan is narcissism. 

Here is a little tiny newsflash. 

You are no better than anyone else. 

You are going on little rages on the internet and destroying your credibility.

You are lying online and it is destroying your credibility.  Men of God do not lie.  Men of Satan lie - with him. 

Have you noticed that Shaitan and Satan are the same word?  Interesting, eh? 

If you do not confront your Shaitan, I can see your future. 

Eventually, you will sue the wrong city and wind up broke and alone.  Your little tirades won't play well outside of your Kansas playground.  There are more corrupt governments, with positions held by wealthier narcissists, in the United States. 

Wanna play with one of them? 

I see you setting yourself up to do just that. 

You'll lose. 

I'd love to see nothing more than two sets of narcissists go at each other's throats, but in the interests of the taxpayer, I'll warn you to stop while you are ahead. 

I give it a year before you are old news and your little cult of demons is destroyed.   

Leave us alone or pay dearly for your sins.

Love ya,

Sister Siegfred

Disclaimer:  This wanna-be cult minister called me something worse than a whore, so I'll put on a disclaimer to say that this blog post is fiction and any resemblence to any person real or dead is a coincidence. 

One little omission makes it a work of fiction.   

Mark my words....this will end...with their game exposed.  All I have to do is figure out how to piss them off. 

I have an idea....

Give me twelve months, they'll be gone. 

My Shaitan is an obnoxious Jezebel who pisses off narcissists.  I'm actually putting together a website about exposing narcissists who work for the government. 

Someday, I'll banish my Shaitan but for now I'll just enjoy the ride.   She comes in handy from time to time. 

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