Today I am thankful for the metaphors in songs. When songs get stuck in our heads, it is often because the subconscious mind has something it is trying to bring to our consciousness. I know there is something wrong when James Bond Theme songs get stuck in my head. I think I'm about ready to ruin my world in a big way. Usually, the sounds in my brain are bass lines.... ....usually from the 80's..... .....usually from Sting, Geddy Lee or John Taylor. Don't laugh....I grew up with Duranies. I lost a lot of girlfriends when I tried to start a band called Duranged Duranged. I'm sure I've written about that. Haven't I? No? Oh....well....I had a crush on Weird Al. My friends loved Duran Duran. I wanted to combine the two and tried to start a band. We actually had quite a few spoofs written.... The Reflex became The Rejects. Please Please Tell Me Now became a song about a dog who had to go outside and take a leak....Please Pl...