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Showing posts from August, 2012

Migraine Meds that a skid mark on the right?  Get that boy some toilet paper!  Yikes!!!     Today, I am thankful for migraine medication.       Between men who drive me insane, stalking in-laws (and an ex), neighbors who hire thugs to build fences and decks without permits, code enforcement harassers, and pissy and dishonest politicians.....I'm going to have a running headache until November.    I do get my share of laughs.    The neighbor hired a bunch of twenty-something wanna be thugs to build his deck.  They tried to kill each other in my front yard while I was trying to sleep and incurred the wrath of Siegfred.    I yelled at them.    They threatened me.    I threatened their boss with a call into the city permitting department if he couldn't keep his boys in line.  Failing to pull a permit will cost him his contractor's license....

Angry Old Birds

Today I am thankful for angry old birds, a class in which I belong.   Watch out!!!  A group of idiots have been caught lying.  It's gonna be fun exposing them.  Love ya, S. 


Today I am thankful for dreams.   Yep. Do you want to know my dream?  No?  Well, that's nice.  I'm going to tell you anyway.  My dream is to record an album.  I want to call it "Born Again Atheist". And use this for the cover.  I found that pic using the random function of Flickr several years ago.  I always meant to ask the uploader for permission to paint it but I can't find her.  So.... my dream is dead.  But seriously....there can't possibly be a God if that poor pup is wearing such a awful and heavy sweater.  I mean, what would Hecate say?  Oh man....that's dog abuse.  Oooh.....shudder.... Poor 'lil pup.  Love ya, S. 


Today I am grateful for a few men.... Hot art teachers who like to flirt, That old flame who is still in my life just enough to remind me why I won't ever date an artist again, and Mark Twain.  It is hard to chose among them.    Super, duper hard.  Let's see.... The art teacher kept me from getting bored at an event.  He has a pretty smile.  I wasn't wearing make-up and had on my thick tortoise shell eyeglasses that keep me from walking into walls.  It was probably a pity flirt.  Still....I thought about lingering but I had a flash back, so I didn't.  Yes, I'm thankful to my ex whose very name reminds me to keep my shirt on, behave and spend my energy buying decent art supplies and donating it to the teachers.  That's probably the best way to flirt with people paid on the public dime in a cheap school district.  I think God wanted my ex to barely be at the edge of my life...

Thankful for Pop Psychology

Today, I am thankful for pop psychology. I'm not talking about the co-dependency and other non-existant crap spewed by wanna-be psychotherapists online.  I'm talking about the grains of psychology built into pop songs.  I swear, when musicians want their beauty sleep and are too lazy to pull all nighters playing in clubs.....we become psychotherapists.  When we get stuck and need inspiration, all we have to do is buy a new CD.  My abusive ex bought me one.  Yep, he's stuck in the eighties.  He still acts like he's seventeen and rebelling against his mommy (which, to be really creepy, he claims I have become).  Ewwww... I feel so very that thought....NOT!  Anyway, eighties boy bought me a couple of Duran Duran CDs in a bid to get me back.  He buys me little trinkets to prove that he loves me.  I'd rather him pay for therapy but....whatever. He did something evil to ma...