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Showing posts from July, 2012

I'm Thankful for Narcissistic Rage

 Today, I am thankful for Narcississtic Rage. Yes, I am aware that I capitalized this phoenomenon.  Of course I would....when narcissists rage, it is huge!  It is beautiful.  Narcissists are artful liars.  They are obnoxious, know it all, threatening little bullies.  They pretend to be all that, when in reality, they are nothing.  We have a tiny group of twenty or so obnoxious bullies targeting our city.  They claim to be god-fearing but they have no such fear of God.  In fact, I know demonologists who are far more god-fearing than these clowns.  I know what they are.  They are narcissists.  Narcissists are insecure.  They know they are stupid.  They know they suck, so they have to put on airs to pretend that they are holier than thou and better than you.  They poke.  They prod.  They scream.  They yell.  They annoy the hell out of you until you accept their psuedo version ...

Al Gore and A Web

Today I am thankful for my history of hanging out with an abusive narcissist; that person sure taught me how to understand liars.   Let me illustrate by making an example out of Al Gore.  In an 1999 interview with CNN, Gore stated: During my service in the United States Congress, I took the initiative in creating the Internet. I took the initiative in moving forward a whole range of initiatives that have proven to be important to our country's economic growth and environmental protection, improvements in our educational system. Al Gore said he created the Internet.  In turn, people are claiming that Gore created the web.  No....he didn't create the web ....he created a web.  Yep....a web.  A web of lies.  You see...he believes in man made global warming so much, that he and people of his ilk paid scientists to lie about prove his theories....theories that he wrote about in his book, theories that won...