Thursday, October 3, 2024

The Yellow Bellied Aurora City Council I am irritated that Mike Coffman and the City Council passed their resolution to shut down people who can't get down to city hall on Monday night. So all of us who have mobility issues, work nights, or can't get to the Taj Mahal for whatever reason during city council meetings suffer from taxation without representation. 

Our city council people do not answer emails.  At least, they ignore mine. 

So....enter the subconscious mind of a Libertarian musician/therapist. 

I'm having nightmares of quitting my job and going down there twice a month to sing country ditties at the mayor with taglines like....

well, you might think you can shut us up 

we'll just find another way to speak up. 

I'm a bass player.  

Country bass lines are the stuff of my nightmares.  So are square dancing dresses and cowgirl hats. 

Seriously - 

Here's a fun dream-time country ditty. 

"Aurora's Shadows" 

Inspired by Mike Coffman 

In Aurora, the streets are quiet, 

 But the whispers paint a different scene, 

 Politicians in their fancy suits, 

 Selling stories that ain't what they seem. 

 They’re pointing fingers, 

casting blame, 

 Saying Venezuelans are posing a threat, 

 While the real crime's hidden in their game, 

 They hope we’ll forget, they hope we’ll forget. 

Oh, they’re lying to our faces, 

 Building walls of fear and doubt, 

 But the truth's out there, 

can’t you see? 

 It’s not the gangs, 

it’s what they don’t talk about. 

 They don’t want to hear our voices, 

 Silencing the cries of the people’s plight,

 In the shadows of Aurora, 

 The truth is lost in the night. 

They say our city’s under siege, 

 With tales of danger echoing loud, 

 But the sirens wail for different reasons, 

 As the law just turns away, proud. 

 Police stand by while crime runs free, 

 While they fill their pockets with big donors’ gold, 

 No arrests made, 

just smoke and mirrors, 

 Leaving our stories untold, 

oh, so cold.

 Oh, they’re lying to our faces, 

 Building walls of fear and doubt, 

 But the truth's out there, 

can’t you see? 

 It’s not the gangs, 

it’s what they don’t talk about. 

 They don’t want to hear our voices, 

 Silencing the cries of the people’s plight,

 In the shadows of Aurora, 

 The truth is lost in the night. 

So gather 'round, we’ll raise our voices, 

 Demand the truth, 

we won’t back down, 

 No more hiding behind their choices, 

 We’ll stand together, 

we’ll wear the crown. 

 For every soul that feels the pain, 

 We’ll fight for justice, 

we’ll break these chains, 

 No more lies, 

and we’ll claim our right, 

 In Aurora’s heart, 

we’ll shine our light. 

Oh, they’re lying to our faces, 

 Building walls of fear and doubt, 

 But the truth's out there, 

can’t you see? 

 It’s not the gangs, 

it’s what they don’t talk about. 

 They don’t want to hear our voices, 

 Silencing the cries of the people’s plight,

 In the shadows of Aurora, 

 The truth is lost in the night. 

So let them try to silence our song, 

 In Aurora, we’ll prove them wrong. 

 With every step, we’re standing tall, 

 For justice, truth, we’ll answer the call. 

 In Aurora’s heart, we’ll rise and fight, 

 Together, we’ll bring the truth to light.

Author's note:  If I can't take a Monday night off to get my arse down there to chew some serious lazy arses behind a big wooden desk, I'm going to build a website, record some songs, maybe even start a vlog, and hit my socials. 

These freaks won't know what hit 'em. 

If Coffman et. al. doesn't want us to talk  to them - 

We'll just find more creative ways to be heard. 

It would be much easier just to let people call in and speak without discriminating and hiding behind cries of "racism." 

Us speaking in the chambers, that's something Coffman et. al. can control. 

They can't control what we do outside of the Muni Taj Mahal. 


I hate RINOs. I really do. I never thought I'd see the day they'd steal a page from the Liberal playbook and scream racism at a grieving family. 

I'd love to get down there.  I've counseled people pissed at city council members before. But alas, I have to work as I have taxmen to support. 

I scream and yell it from the rooftops if need be. If anyone harasses me, they'll be supporting my demons lawyers. 

Hugs and Kisses, 


The Yellow Bellied Aurora City Council I am irritated that Mike Coffman and the City Council passed their resolution to shut down people who can't get down to ...