Friday, August 11, 2023

Green Baby Witch

 Today I'm thankful for idiotic wanna-be witches, protection spells,  protection prayers. 


my granddaughter was kidnapped by her father. 

I think the proper term is parental abduction. 

Rumor has it that he has found himself a widow, a beautiful young 32-year-old woman with the same name as Spock's mom, and ingratiated himself to her within days of her husband's death.

She has a lot of assets and has accomplished quite a bit in her life.  He proposed to her.  

He isn't working a traditional job.  She supports him. 

 I suppose he wants her house. 

I understand how hard it is to be lonely. That first year of grief is the hardest. 

When my granddaughter didn't return after her 90-day visit to Fort Worth, I cast a protection spell on this woman, her three children, and my granddaughter. 

The asshat, got a teeny-tiny version of the spell that set my bathroom ablaze when he nearly killed my daughter and convinced the Lakewood PD that he was the victim. I had senators on that one but my daughter, being too forgiving, wanted me to back off. 

He took off to Texas with their child who was just a baby. My daughter, despite being the legal field, ignored me.  He became suicidal and returned the child. 

In fact, the suicidality keeps coming up. Insecure men like that are dangerous. 

This year, this man has decided, to start the kidnapping crap again.  Knowing his parents, they're against it.  They are undocumented immigrants who were never happy about the way this boy has treated the mother of his child and their daughter.  I feel sorry for them. turns out that a neighbor child reported calling my granddaughter and overhearing step-mom to-be screaming at my granddaughter for talking to her mother. 

So....all bets are off.  I went to Facebook...was able to log in (surprise, surprise). I found the woman's page and she assumed I was stalking her already. 

She also made some nasty comments about my daughter including that old saw about 'anyone can birth a child but it takes someone special to be a mom'...

Oh...a loving mother doesn't kidnap a child that they claim to love and scream like a banshee when they talk to their birth mothers.  Only wicked witches do that.

Now, I'm terrified to connect with my granddaughter. 

It explains why my messages are never answered.  

This woman also claims to be a witch (no mention of Hecate, the moon, or any real Pagan practices). 


Curses abound...

there may or may not have been a ritual to ask Mr. Dearly Departed to protect his wife and sons.  

This woman is not a very good witch with as easy as those candles burned down.  She also needs to protect herself from the obvious danger she finds herself in. 

I truly doubt this guy is stable.  I'm basing this on recent behavior and text messages I've seen. His TikTok videos are scary, too. Abuse sometimes begins to reveal itself in animal abuse.  Don't date someone who abuses animals on camera.   


The worst part is that the Texas attorney filed for an ex-parte custody change in a state where my granddaughter does not reside AND NEVER SERVED MY DAUGHTER. 

My daughter is too terrified to let me help or even contact my granddaughter expressing concerns that the bio-dad is the one answering the messages. 


I may have to go back into activism mode. 


I want to put it out here

just to be clear 

witches abound

they are not easily identifiable. 

Don't go running your mouth off or typing nonsense online threatening people you don't know. 

I guess I should print off the threats. They are funny. 

If I liked the woman, I'd invite her into my circle.  

Oh my.....

I've got some legislators to contact.  

If we have the UCCJEA, why does it not state that custodial parents must be served within a specific time? 

This guy filed for custody more than 60 days ago.  He didn't elect to tell the child's mother until she was on her way to Texas to pick up the child. 

How in the hell was that allowed to happen?  I've got my research cut out for me. 

I'm debating going back to school. 

So, if I get my Juris Doctorate, in addition to my LMFT, I will take on this entire judicial system. 

If you're a Fort Worth lawyer with a stupid name that rhymes with 20's era slang for alcohol, you're in for a whirlwind of activity. 

Some former political activist may call in some favors.  You don't want that. 

Or, she could do a qualitative research project and collect stories of custodial parents who have gone through this very thing. 

I might do that.  When this case is over, I could make this horrible lawyer famous and put the inspiration on the home page.  

My daughter is terrified of my 'calling in favors.'  So, I'm holding back.  Texas actually has a grandparents' rights law, so I would be well within my rights to hire my own attorney and jump into the fray. 

No matter....

When this lawyer withdrawals from the case due to a lack of payment, I'm going to start my activist shit. 

Things have to change.  

I'm scheming and praying. 

Love ya, 


P.S.  Details have been changed to protect the players.  This shouldn't be a game. Games like this always create mental health issues in children during pivotal developmental stages. 

I hope the asshat is seen for who he is and that the widow and her children get away with their mental and physical health intact. May the asshat not cost them too much money.  

Of course, I hope the Fort Worth lawyer is censured.  The truth is lawyers tend to get away with the worst games.  Maybe I can take the lead of the baby witch in Fort Worth and spur a little Karma along. 

 Me? I need to find out if the 21-day time frame to serve parents in Colorado applies to the UCCJEA.  Maybe abusers can file for emergency custody and not say a word. If so, that has to change.   

I'd rather help fix broken families but if this is the direction I'm being led, so be it.  

Now see?  Me becoming a lawyer?  Now that would be a curse! 

Blessed be. 

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